Who Provides the Trading Signals?


With CoinUp copy trading app, you can thoroughly research the statistics and success rates as well as portfolio allocations of the people you choose to copy. This allows you to understand the quality of the trader and then choose to copy their trades and benefit from their experience.

With CoinUp copy trading app, you can thoroughly research the statistics and success rates as well as portfolio allocations of the people you choose to copy. This allows you to understand the quality of the trader and then choose to copy their trades and benefit from their experience.

Taking advantage of this trading strategy can be highly lucrative. In fact, many social traders, new and experienced, have had the opportunity to gain direct access to the top traders on the platform and have increased their trading success significantly.


How to Successfully Copy Trade

Here are the steps you should take to copy trade.

First, you will need to select a broker to partner with. Choose a regulated broker like CoinUp that offers you security, a wide selection of assets, and dedicated customer support.

Now it’s time to create your CoinUp  account. This can be done from your browser or mobile device just by CoinUp app. Here at CoinUp, we also offer other well-known copy trading options.

Once your account is active, you will see a list of signal providers along with their stats. This usually includes P&L and risk profile. Select the person/people that best suit your objectives.

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